*Cheapest option*
My garage at home is fully equipped with a scissor lift & all the correct tooling to meet all servicing & repair needs.
Fees apply & subject to hard standing being available & access for a Small Van. I can service your vehicle at your own home avoiding the hassle of drop off & collections.
Fees apply & subject to location. Where mobile servicing isn't appropriate, take the hassle out of drop off and collection. Typically I will leave one of my cars on your drive & C+D back your vehicle., collections usually between 730-9am & returned between 4-6pm.
- Air filter
- Oil filter
- Oil change
- Check/top up fluids (coolant, s/w, p/s)
- Vehicle health check + Report
£125 - £175
- Oil filter
- Oil change
£75 - £100
Each service (excl. Oil & Filter change only) includes a condition report, details and photos where appropriate which will detail any defects noted and potential ongoing maintenance. This report will be emailed. You can request a quote for any recommendations at your peril.
Servicing quotes.
Address for drop & leave: 12 Chiltern Way, North Hykeham, LN69SY
TM Motoring Ltd
Company no: 15260802
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